Monday, April 18, 2011

Lily Allen `blows wedding budget`

She's staying up all night, writing lists and constantly chopping and changing the seating plans and other details.' 'I'd say he's the love of her life and, of course, she'll want the day itself to be perfect. 'Lily is obviously thrilled about marrying Sam,' the source said. She also wants the champagne to flow and the food to be amazing.' But the occasion is said to have given the couple something positive to focus on following Allen's miscarriage late last year.

There are so many people Lily feels she needs to invite. It's gone from a small intimate family do with close friends, to something huge. If there was a budget for the wedding, it's been completely blown. And her sisters, Teddy and Sarah, who are bridesmaids, are getting Chanel dresses too.
Lily Allen `blows wedding budget`
Lily Allen `blows wedding budget`

A source told more magazine: 'I think the wedding dresses itself is going to cost a small fortune. She also wants the champagne to flow and the food to be amazing.' But the occasion is said to have blown her budget already. There are so many people Lily feels she needs to invite. It's gone from a small intimate family do with close friends, to something huge.

If there was a budget for the wedding, it's been completely blown. And her sisters, Teddy and Sarah, who are bridesmaids, are getting Chanel dresses too. A source told more magazine: 'I think the wedding dress itself is going to cost a small fortune. She also wants the champagne to flow and the food to be amazing.' But the occasion is said to have blown her budget already. There are so many people Lily feels she needs to invite.
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